New Zealand's spa and pool cover specialists

My name is Geoff Bonham.
I have been involved in the manufacturing and sales of spa and pool covers and rollers for almost 30 years, including extensive experience in automatic pool covers. I can offer you expert advice on selecting and sourcing the best cover solution for your spa or swimming pool.

New Legislation - Jan 2017

Under the new pool safety legislation, effective January 1 2017, doors leading to a pool area will need to have door alarms and be self closing. Safety covers will be able to be used as barriers for pools and hot tubs.


Why Every Pool Should Have A Cover.

For heated pools ....
50% reduction in the cost of heating your pool - and possibly more.
50% reduction in chemical consumption
80% reduction in evaporation saving water. An uncovered pool can lose up to 10,000 litres each month during summer.
Stop Condensation on Indoor Pools.

For unheated pools ...,
A Bubble Cover will warm your pool by 3 to 6 degrees from direct sunlight during summer.
50% reduction in chemical consumption
80% reduction in evaporation saving water. An uncovered pool can lose up to 10,000 litres each month during summer.