Bubble Covers

Bubble covers limit heat loss and make swimming more comfortable..
The lighter colours allow more sunlight to enter the pool making for better heating.
Your pool will be warmer by 3 - 6 degrees in the summer season from direct sunlight
Pool covers cut water usage and lower chemical costs
Extend your swimming season. Swim ealier in spring and later in autumn.

For heated pools ....
50% reduction in the cost of heating your pool - and possibly more.
50% reduction in chemical consumption
80% reduction in evaporation saving water.
Stop Condensation on Indoor Pools.

For unheated pools ...,
A Bubble Cover will warm your pool by 3 to 6 degrees from direct sunlight during summer.
50% reduction in chemical consumption
80% reduction in evaporation saving water.

New Legislation - Jan 2017

The new pool safety legislation, effective from January 1 2017, imposes new rules that affect door alarms and spa pool lockable lids

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Recommended For All Domestic Pools
