Climate Zombies
97% Of Climate Scientists Agree - Yeah, right!

Ian Plimer, an eminent Australian geologist professor and a long time sceptic on climate change now exposes what he calls the zombie statistic. Writing in the Australian (Jan 2019) , the professor reports:

"The statistic being 97% of scientists conclude that humans are causing global warming. In the scientific circles I mix in, there is an overwhelming scepticism about human-induced climate change.

Many of my colleagues claim that the mantra of human-induced global warming is the biggest scientific fraud of all time and future generations will pay dearly.

If 97% of scientists agree that there is human-induced climate change, you'd think they would be busting a gut to vanquish climate sceptics in public debates. Instead, many scientists and activists are expressing confected outrage at the possibility of public debates because the science is settled. After all, 97% of scientists agree that human emissions drive global warming and there is no need for further discussion.

In my 50-year scientific career, I have never seen a hypothesis where 97% of scientists agree. At any scientific conference there are collections of argumentative sods who don't agree about anything, argue about data, how data was collected and the conclusions derived from data. Scepticism underpins all science, science is underpinned by repeatable validated evidence and scientific conclusions are not based on a show of hands, consensus, politics or feelings.

Scientists, just like lawyers, bankers, unionists, politicians and those in all other fields, can make no claim to being honest or honourable, and various warring cliques of scientists have their leaders, followers, outsiders and enemies. Scientists differ from many in the community because they are allegedly trained to be independent. Unless, of course, whacking big research grants for climate `science' are waved in front of them.

The 97% figure comes from a survey sent to 10,257 people with a self-interest in human-induced global warming who published `science' supported by taxpayer-funded research grants. Replies from 3146 respondents were whittled down to 77 self-appointed climate `scientists' of whom 75 were judged to agree that human-induced warming was taking place.

The 97% figure derives from a sub-group with only 75 members. There was no mention that 75 out of 3146 is ONLY 2.38%.

We did not hear that ONLY 2.38% of climate scientists with a self-interest agreed that humans have played a significant role in changing climate and that they are recipients of some of the billions spent annually on climate research.

Political policy and environmental activism rely on this fraudulent 97% consensus paid for by the taxpayer to rob the taxpayer further with subsidies for bird-and-bat-chomping wind turbines, polluting solar panels and handouts to those with sticky fingers in the international climate industry.

Activists with no skin in the game are setting the scene for economic suicide."

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